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After nearly 15 years, this website is being decommissioned. For a while, this old version will still be reachable, but it will no longer show reliable information about events at ausland,
The new version of our website can be found here:



« September 15, 2011 - November 14, 2011 »
09 / 15
Start: 20:00

"Ich liebe doch alle Menschen, ich setze mich doch dafür ein" (Erich Mielke)

Oliver Schott und Magnus Klaue diskutieren über Liebe, Beziehung und Polyamorie.

[Geöffnet ab 20h /

09 / 16
09 / 17
Start: 20:00

Tobias Herold liest Gedichte aus seinem zweiten Lyrikband "Ausfahrt".

Konzert im Anschluss: Andrea Ermke (mini discs & mixing board).

plus: Mugglestone Hi-Fi !


09 / 18
09 / 19
09 / 20
09 / 21
09 / 22
Start: 21:00

Cherry Sunkist / comfortzone label tour




Cherry Sunkist

Crazy Bitch In A Cave


09 / 23
Start: 21:00

Eric Thielemans

Toshimaru Nakamura / Burkhard Beins

Simon Rose / Paul Stapleton

Jason Montero

09 / 24
09 / 25
Start: 20:00

Zwischen den Sportplätzen.
Das ausland gratuliert dem club w71 in Weikersheim zum 40. Geburtstag!


Der club w71 in Weikershei

09 / 26
09 / 27
09 / 28
Start: 20:00
The SPLITTER ORCHESTER, the subtle beast of a 24 piece improvising outfit presents 8 public rehearsals/presentations @ WABE in 2011. 

Part concert, part public research event, the group will spend the afternoon preparing an hour of music for your listening pleasure/curiosity/confrontation. 
The concert starts punctually at 20:15 and we charge 5 euro.

09 / 29
Start: 21:00

Rogelio Sosa (MEX. Guitar / Electronics)

Rogelio Sosa was born in Mexico City in 1977. His work explores a wide range of aspects that deal with sound morphology, structures of auditory reference, intensification of the acous

09 / 30
10 / 1
10 / 2
10 / 3
10 / 4
10 / 5
10 / 6
Start: 20:00

Vortrag von Johannes Steizinger zur Figur des Literaten und der Figur des Dichters in den frühesten Schriften von Walter Benjamin.

Geöffnet ab 20 Uhr, Beginn der Veranstaltung um 21 Uhr.

10 / 7
Start: 20:30

a mini festival celebrating song improvisation & noise
October 7, 8 and 9 - 2011
All shows start at 21.00

today with:
Marzipan Marzipan
Birdcage Tombola
Chirstopher Williams

10 / 8
Start: 20:30

a mini festival celebrating song improvisation & noise
October 7, 8 and 9 - 2011
All shows start at 21.00

today with:
Golden Diskó Ship
Come Back Special

10 / 9
Start: 20:30

a mini festival celebrating song improvisation & noise
October 7, 8 and 9 - 2011
All shows start at 21.00

today with:
Owl & Mack

10 / 10
10 / 11
Start: 21:00
End: 23:55

111011 Hans Tammen / Seiji Morimoto


10 / 12
Start: 22:00

Jonas Kocher, accordion
Gaudenz Badrutt, electronics


10 / 13
10 / 14
10 / 15
10 / 16
10 / 17
10 / 18
10 / 19
10 / 20
10 / 21
10 / 22
Start: 22:00

Achim Kaufmann - Klavier
Okkyung Lee - Cello
Urs Leimgruber - Saxofone
Roger Turner - Schlagzeug

Makiko Nishikaze - solo piano works
- forest-piano (1998)
- resonae-piani (2011) UA

10 / 23
Start: 20:00

Grenzgänger: "Noch immer brennen ihre Worte Löcher in die Zeit" - Eine Text- und Musicollage von Pierre Pouget

10 / 24
10 / 25
10 / 26
Start: 20:00
The SPLITTER ORCHESTER, the subtle beast of a 24 piece improvising outfit presents 8 public rehearsals/presentations @ WABE in 2011. 

Part concert, part public research event, the group will spend the afternoon preparing an hour of music for your listening pleasure/curiosity/confrontation. 
The concert starts punctually at 20:15 and we charge 5 euro.

10 / 27
Start: 20:00

Für seine Lesung Vom Sagen Hören wird der Klang- und Medienkünstler Stefan Roigk, von dem im ausland zuletzt die Rauminstallation Crystal Castle zu sehen war, abstrakte Klänge verbal umschreiben und diese Passagen live mit bereits a

10 / 28
10 / 29
10 / 30
Start: 20:00

Für Ihren weiteren künstlerischen Werdegang wünschen wir Ihnen viel Erfolg!

Start: 20:30

Havard Wiik - piano
Michael Thieke - clarinet/alto saxophone
Antonio Borghini - bass

10 / 31
11 / 1
Start: 20:30

Partizip Präsens: Talking and more about helping, curating, participating in ausland.

Drop by if you want to help at ausland, send a proposal and drop by if you want to organize events at ausland

11 / 2
Start: 21:00

Marco Fusinato (guitar) / Pivixki (Max Kohane - drums, Anthony Pateras - piano)

Fusinato's musical biotope: noise and electronica. He occupies himself with electronica equipment and his guitar, or as he says himself: “the use and abuse of my guitar”.
Pivixki 's
debut ‘Gravissima’ was described as a mix of the “picturesque qualities of Italy’s horror-music legends Goblin and the seething musical soundscapes of France’s avant-prog troupe, Magma”.

11 / 3
Start: 22:00

Continuum - Solo for Percussion

Pia Palme / Thomas Wagensommerer
Pia Palme - Aerofone, Electronics, Installation
Thomas Wagensommerer - Laptop, Electronics, Video

Sliding Fulcrum
Lucio Capece - Saxophone
Morten Olsen - Drums
Valerio Tricoli - Revox

11 / 4
Start: 16:30

Mit den Ohren sehen. Schenken Sie Vertrauen, Neugierde und ca. 90 Minuten Zeit. Ein persönlicher Guide, der sich um Ihre Sicherheit kümmert, geleitet Sie blind durch die vielfältigen Klänge und akustischen Räume Berlins.

11 / 5
Start: 20:30


Tisha Mukarji - piano

Tristan Honsinger - cello

Anaïs Tuerlinckx - piano


Achim Kaufmann - piano

Els Vandeweyer - vibraphone

... concert starts 21:30 sharp!





11 / 6
11 / 7
11 / 8
11 / 9
Start: 20:00
The SPLITTER ORCHESTER, the subtle beast of a 24 piece improvising outfit presents 8 public rehearsals/presentations @ WABE in 2011. 

Part concert, part public research event, the group will spend the afternoon preparing an hour of music for your listening pleasure/curiosity/confrontation. 
The concert starts punctually at 20:30 and we charge 5 euro.

11 / 10
Start: 19:00

Alessandro Bosetti

Recipe for Speech Loop Marathon ( with Guests )

Guest will sit in and produce sound along with the loop. They will start and stop, come and go as they please and so will do the audience. Only you will

11 / 11
Start: 23:00
End: 23:57


November 11th, 2011. 23 hrs

This event starts at 23 hrs!!!

11 acts of 11 minutes each one



Joke Lanz
Felicity Mangan
Benjamin L Aman
Olivier di Placido
jd zazie
Victor Mazón Gardoqui
Martin Kuenz
Yvan Volochine

11 / 12
Start: 20:30

Psycho-Acoustic Sculptures by Dirk Markham

Visuals by Marcus Grysczok

Lince down / Ambient-electronic

Amber Nectar (forest records, Bristol UK) / Live electronics

11 / 13
11 / 14
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