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Trigger Plus Vol. 1
1: Trigger
2: Thomas Lehn solo
3: Trigger + Thomas Lehn
Im Rahmen der Reihe Trigger Plus
Der erste Gast ist der deutsche Soundtüftler Thomas Lehn, der mit seinem Instrument, dem analogen Synthesizer direkt in die unterschiedlichsten Klangebenen Triggers eingreifen wird, und ein wild kaskadierendes elektroakustisches Klangkonstrukt entstehen lassen wird.
Nils Ostendorf: Trompete
Matthias Müller: Posaune
Chris Heenan : Kontrabassklarinette
Aymeric Hainaux /// visual artist, musician and extraordinary vocal performer.
Cantenac Dagar /// Instrumental duet from France (banjo, cassette player, bells, human beatbox).
Ein Abend mit Lyriklesungen von Ricardo Domeneck, Birgit Kreipe und Rainer Stolz - letzterer stellt heute Abend seinen jüngst erschienen Gedichtband "Selbstporträt mit Chefkalender" vor.
Geöffnet ab 20 Uhr, Beginn 21 Uhr.
eRIkm – electronics
Natacha Muslera – vocals, microphones
Marta Zapparoli – electronics, prepared tapes & self made devices
Julie Rousse – laptop, electronics, microphones
Die Klasse Medienkunst von Prof. Maria Vedder, Universität der Künste Berlin, hat zur Erforschung von filmischer und räumlicher Zeit immer wieder mit KünstlerInnen aus anderen zeitbasierten Medien wie Theater, Performance, Musik oder Tanz zusammengearbeitet.
Das Screening zeigt mit neuen Arbeiten aus diesen interdisziplinären Projekten Musikfilme, des weiteren Dokumentationen und Videokunst.
Doors 20:30 - Start 21:00
Flüchtige Momente der schönen Musik - gefangen!
For the 4th year in a row, the french structure Trempolino organises a workshop on electronic musics.
10 French musicians, gathered together by musician Mathias Delplanque, spend 10 days meeting with figures such as Bernd Friedman, Marc Behrens, Nick Meehan and Robert Lippok.
For the 4th year in a row, the french structure Trempolino organises a workshop on electronic musics.
10 French musicians, gathered together by musician Mathias Delplanque, spend 10 days meeting with figures such as Bernd Friedman, Marc Behrens, Nick Meehan and Robert Lippok.
For the 4th year in a row, the french structure Trempolino organises a workshop on electronic musics.
10 French musicians, gathered together by musician Mathias Delplanque, spend 10 days meeting with figures such as Bernd Friedman, Marc Behrens, Nick Meehan and Robert Lippok.
For the 4th year in a row, the french structure Trempolino organises a workshop on electronic musics.
10 French musicians, gathered together by musician Mathias Delplanque, spend 10 days meeting with figures such as Bernd Friedman, Marc Behrens, Nick Meehan and Robert Lippok.
For the 4th year in a row, the french structure Trempolino organises a workshop on electronic musics.
10 French musicians, gathered together by musician Mathias Delplanque, spend 10 days meeting with figures such as Bernd Friedman, Marc Behrens, Nick Meehan and Robert Lippok.
The Trempolino ensemble will perform with and under the direction of Robert Lippok.
Entrance free
Doors at 19:30, performance starts at 20:00
For the 4th year in a row, the french structure Trempolino organises a workshop on electronic musics.
10 French musicians, gathered together by musician Mathias Delplanque, spend 10 days meeting with figures such as Bernd Friedman, Marc Behrens, Nick Meehan and Robert Lippok.
Coal Oven
Tonia Reeh
with Rudi Fischerlehner on Drums
For the 4th year in a row, the french structure Trempolino organises a workshop on electronic musics.
10 French musicians, gathered together by musician Mathias Delplanque, spend 10 days meeting with figures such as Bernd Friedman, Marc Behrens, Nick Meehan and Robert Lippok.
For the 4th year in a row, the french structure Trempolino organises a workshop on electronic musics.
10 French musicians, gathered together by musician Mathias Delplanque, spend 10 days meeting with figures such as Bernd Friedman, Marc Behrens, Nick Meehan and Robert Lippok.
For the 4th year in a row, the french structure Trempolino organises a workshop on electronic musics.
10 French musicians, gathered together by musician Mathias Delplanque, spend 10 days meeting with figures such as Bernd Friedman, Marc Behrens, Nick Meehan and Robert Lippok.
10 French musicians, gathered together by musician Mathias Delplanque, spent 10 days in Berlin meeting with figures such as Bernd Friedman, Marc Behrens, Nick Meehan and Robert Lippok.
On this evening they will share their experience with you.
Free entrance.
Doors open at 19:30, performance starts at 20:00
For the 4th year in a row, the french structure Trempolino organises a workshop on electronic musics.
10 French musicians, gathered together by musician Mathias Delplanque, spend 10 days meeting with figures such as Bernd Friedman, Marc Behrens, Nick Meehan and Robert Lippok.
- animals acting human # 2 -
Duo: Tobias Kirstein & Pär Thörn - sinewaves, feedback and screaming between brutal sound poetry, noise and psychedelic electronic music.
Solo: Ignaz Schick - turntables
Doors 21:00 - Start 22:00
Susanne Zapf,Wojciech Garbowski: Violinen
Nikolaus Schlierf: Viola
Cosima Gerhardt: Violoncello
and special guest Olaf Rupp: Guitar
Sebastian Smolyn: E-Posaune
Artur Smolyn: Elektronik
feat. Maxime Hänsenberger: Schlagzeug
and special guest: Jerzy Mazzoll
doors 20:00, start 21:00
Dorothea Rosa Herliany und Afrizal Malna in Lesung und Gespräch mit Ulrike Draesner
(Lesungen auf Indonesisch und Deutsch)
Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn um 20:30 Uhr | Eintritt frei
Eine Veranstaltung des Berliner Künstlerprogramms des DAAD in Kooperation mit ausland.
A message from Clayton Thomas:
After 7 years of rocking this sweet beautiful continent, I'm leaving to rock Sydney one more time.
The relocation would not be right without a 2 day party where i can hug and kiss you all and dance like a maniac and play a marathon of awesome music. As you do.
A message from Clayton Thomas:
After 7 years of rocking this sweet beautiful continent, I'm leaving to rock Sydney one more time.
The relocation would not be right without a 2 day party where i can hug and kiss you all and dance like a maniac and play a marathon of awesome music. As you do.
Andrea Ermke: mini discs, mixing board
Anaïs Tuerlinckx: piano
Mike Bullock: analog synthesizer
Bertrand Gauguet: amplified alto & soprano saxophones
Riding the line between instrumental free improvisation and electronic soundscape, Bullock & Gauguet trade roles back and forth: at times the saxophone acts as the nebulous ground to the synth’s figurations.
Joel Grip - double bass, Martin Küchen - saxophone // No Input Ensemble (Paris): Mario Garcia Hurtado - guitar, Andrés Castellani - sax, Emma Richards - viola, Fanny Vicens - accordion, Noam Bierstone - percussion, Florian Bergmann - bass clarinet
Doors: 20:00, Beginn 20:30
Reidemeister Move
Robin Hayward – microtonal tuba, Hayward Tuning Vine
Christopher Williams – double bass
Olaf Hochherz - Synthesizer
Ute Wassermann - Voice and Birdwhistles
Felicity Mangan - Fieldrecordings
...die 2.Show über Miracles: Flüchtige Momente der schönen Musik. Heute mit Live-Aufnahmen vom Konzertabend
Release concert of the Album “Komplex” by Roger Döring & Konrad Korabiewski (Grünrekorder): Roger Döring (cl, sax, acc and more) / Konrad Korabiewski (live elec)
Hans Koch (CH)/Gaudenz Badrutt (CH) /Frank Gratkowski (DE) & Seijiro Murayama Solo (JP/FR)
Zweimal / einmal Zwei
Gustavo Costa / Anthony Pateras and Erkki Veltheim (duo) / Alexander Garsden
doors: 20h | start: 20.30h
Extended duration performance with
Akio Onda, Akio Suzuki and Takehito Koganezawa
Triple Record Release night:
Mensch Mensch Mensch (12" vinyl LP out on alt.vinyl, UK)
Stine Janvin Motland presents her new albums "Ok, Wow" (out on +3dB Records) and "In Labour" (out on Pica Disk)
Doors 21:00, concerts 21:30
Corvo Records present:
Ingrid Schmoliner: карлицы сюита
(prepared piano / record release gig)
JD Zazie
(Turntables, CD players, Mixer)
Alessandra Eramo
(Voice, Field Recordings, Electronics)
Doors 20:30, concerts 21:00.
Konzert Minimal plays: Koen Nutters: New work (2014) Johnny Chang: New work from Background series (2014) Peter Ablinger: Wachstum und Massenmord for Title, String Quartet and Program Note (2009/10) Michael Pisaro: an unrhymed chord (2003) Konzert Minimal: Lucio Capece / Johnny Chang / Cat Lamb / Hannes Lingens / Mike Majkowski / Koen Nutters / Hector Rey / Derek Shirley
eine Komposition von und mit: possible.movement
Die Differenz zwischen synchronen und asynchronen Sequenzen ist für die KünstlerInnen von besonderem Interesse...
geöffnet: 20.30h, Beginn: 21h
Karl-Heinz Jeron is back at ausland, this time he's a Robot Race Bookie!
There will be a workshop, a betting office and a variety of race courses … and hey, it’s open hardware. Take part, build a robot, make a bet and have fun.
No previous skills are needed.
The International Nothing plays The Dark Side Of Success (Ftarri, 2014)
The International Nothing
Kai Fagaschinski | clarinet, composition
Michael Thieke | clarinet, composition
record release concert incl. Bockwurst, Whiskey & DJ
Eintritt: 5,- €
Gefördert durch die i.n.m., doors 20:30, beginn 21:00
OBLIQ: Pierre Borel (sax), Hannes Lingens (dr & objects), Derek Shirley (b/synth) + Klaus Filip (sin waves) /// Solo by Pierre Borel
supported by INM and Kulturamt Pankow