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Raudio aasland #57 *
,Am besten, man lebt in einer nicht zu schönen Gegend. Weil einem sonst nichts einfällt.” - Thomas Bernhard
Audrey Chen - voice/cello
Margaret Rorison - 16mm film projection/sound
After five days of working together within a small residency at ausland, Audrey Chen and Margaret Rorison will present a mutual collaborative film/sound-performance tonight.
Doors 20:00, Start 20:30
Ercklentz & Wassermann
Sabine Ercklentz – trumpet, electronics
Ute Wassermann – voice, electronics
Thembi Soddell: Love Songs – sampler
Heather Frasch
Solo for Digital Boxes
handmade digital instrument constructed from cigar boxes
Felicity Mangan
The pudding and the inputting II
a performance of sounds played through bowls of pudding.
doors: 8pm, start 8:30pm
„Aber denk doch bitte mal darüber nach!“
Titis Briefe an Margarete
(1954 - 1959)
Lesung, Hör-CD Release und Buchvorstellung
Textauswahl und Produktion: Margarete Meador
Hör-CD: Regie Tilla Kratochwil, Sprecherin Rike Schubert
Buch: Gretchen Blegen
Julia Fiedorczuk und Julia Kissina
Moderation Esther Kinsky (tbc)
5 Years of RAW CHICKS !
KSEN. live* + visuals by [BI:KEI]
JANOSHI Turntables
Doors 20:00 | Start 21:00 | Donation 6 ≤ 9€
Antje Vowinckel: In Places of Logic for text projection, electronic organ and amplified objects
Isabelle Duthoit – voice, clarinet
Yuko Oshima – drums, percussion
Soizic Lebrat – cello
Rozalie Hirs: gestammelte werke. Gedichte
Mette Moestrup: Stirb, Lüge, stirb. Gedichte
Doppel-Buchpremiere mit den Gästen Cia Rinne und Rike Scheffler.
Moderation: Daniela Seel
Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn 20:30 Uhr
series dinner and a movie.
Short films from Adele Horne.
Bridge Markland gives a talk on "Gender Media Identity."
Andrea Ermke (mini discs) performs and Anais Tuerlinckx (prepared piano) perform in duo.
"20 Jahre sind nicht genug" | 2017, 41 min.
- Ein Porträt über die Wochenzeitung Jungle World -
+ Lesung mit Elke Wittich
Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn 20:30 Uhr | Eintritt frei
Im Anschluß: Musik und Getränke!
Andrea Parkins in dialogue with Albert Ayler's Ghosts / Bells (1964/1965)
Liz Kosack + Cao Thanh Lan in dialogue with Charlie Parker / Dizzy Gillespie’s Bird & Diz
Els Vandeweyer + Lina Allemano + Ute Wasserman in dialogue with Mary Lou Williams' Zodiac Suite
funded by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, Künstlerinnenprogramm
doors 20h30, start 21h
tickets 7-9€
von Ivette Löcker | A 2010, 97 min.
Im Anschluß: Gespräch mit der Regiesseurin.
Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn 20:30 Uhr
Annette Krebs: Konstruktion #3 für acht live bespielte Lautsprecher – objects, electronics
ARà Dúo
Alessandra Rombolà – flute, piccolo, bass flute
Núria Andorrà – tiles, ceramic objects, percussion
Lea Bertucci – alto saxophone, tape
-- Dialogues with Recordings from the Music's Past --
Ragnhild May in dialogue with Roland Kirk's Here Comes the Whistle Man (1965)
Anna Kaluza, Rieko Okuda and Alison Blunt in dialogue with Ornette Coleman’s “The Shape of Jazz To Come” (1959)
Margareth Kammerer + Sabine Erklentz + Lucile Desamory in dialogue with Sun Ra's Space is the Place (1973)
funded by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europe, Künstlerinnenprogramm
Due to private reasons on Sofia's side that are beyound anyone's will, we are sorry to announce that we have to cancel this performance.
Out/Un-spoken - The inherent poetry of the voice
Sofia Jernberg and Katharina Hauke
This Outbound event explores different approaches to enhancing and manipulating the rhythmic qualities and aesthetics of the voice, and the poetry it conveys through other meanings than that of just "words".
Doors 20:00 | Start 20:30 | Donation 6 ≤ 9€
Eintritt: 5 EUR
EAVESDROP FESTIVAL - exploring how digital cultures have fundamentally altered our experience of both music and the world
Opening at 19:00 with Norwegian artist Silje Nes’ site specific installation especially created for the EAVESDROP festival. It explores the blurred boundaries between human-made creations and natural living processes.
Martyna Poznańska (PL/DE)
Golden Diskó Ship (DE)
Jessica Ekomane (FR/DE)
JD Zazie will close the night behind her turntables
EAVESDROP FESTIVAL - exploring how digital cultures have fundamentally altered our experience of both music and the world
Giulia Vismara (IT)
Browser Ensemble
Du Champ (IT/DE)
Biblo (TR)
Sigourney Skywalker will close the night behind her turntables
Am 19. November 2017, 20:30 Uhr werden in ausland Lea Schneider und Athena Farrokhzad ihre Texte lesen und ins Gespräch kommen. Cia Rinne stellt an diesem letzten Abend von auslandSPRACHEN in diesem Jahr beide Autorinnen und Übersetzerinnen vor und führt mit ihrer Moderation durch den Abend.
-two duo concerts-
Marcia Bassett + Samara Lubelski
Heidrun Schramm + JD Zazie
Special guest: Shelley Hirsch
opening solo set
Doors 20:00, concerts 20:30.
Eco's echoes - Sounds and environment
No Plug Sound Machine and The awful plastics
The last Outbound of 2017 presents two ways of approaching environmental issues through sounds.
Doors 20:00 | Start 20:30 | Donation 6 ≤ 9€
Supported by Initiative neue musik berlin e.V.
Musicians in Dialogue with Iconic Recordings from the Past
Eve Risser in dialogue with Charlie Haden's Montreal Tapes: Liberation Music Orchestra (1989)
Anaïs Tuerlinckx + Olga Nosova in dialogue with Alice Coltrane's Journey to Satchidananda (1971)
Lisa Ullén + Tisha Mukarji + Fernanda Farah in dialogue with Rodgers & Hart's Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered (1940)
Gefördert durch die Senatskanzlei Kulturelle Angelegenheiten, Künstlerinnenprogramm