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« March 23, 2014 - May 22, 2014 »
03 / 23
03 / 24
03 / 25
03 / 26
Start: 20:30
End: 23:59

Andrea Parkins/Satoko Fujii/Natsuki Tamura and Nicolas Wiese/Johnny Chang

03 / 27
Start: 19:30

HSP: There Is No Escape From The Terrors Of The Mind (120 Minutes DSLR Super8mm VHS Stereo Colour Ireland Iran UK Oman 2013)

Rouzbeh Rashidi (Tehran, 1980) is an Iranian independent filmmaker. He has been making films since 2000 when he founded the Experimental Film Society in Tehran and is the recipient of the 2011 and 2013 Arts Council of Ireland Film Project Award for his experimental feature film HE and Homo Sapiens Project.


03 / 28
Start: 22:00

"Don't give up - you can dance!" is a series of dancemusic beyond style hosted by The Vulva String Quartett a.k.a. Hanno Leichtmann. The VSQ invites fancy people every night to play out the finest electronic music for your dancing & hangout pleasure! Tonight's special guest: ANDI TEICHMANN!

Doors & start 22:00h | Donation at the bar!

Doors & start 22:00h



03 / 29
Start: 14:00

Learn how to build crude transistors, amplifiers, solar cells, and diodes with raw minerals and detritus. With some fine-tuning, participants can modify these homemade instruments to detect subtle changes in their surroundings and manipulate their auditory output to dramatic effect. The workshop concludes with an open-ended test period and jam session. All equipment and tools are provided.  No prior experience with electronics required. Workshop fee including Materials 30€.

Start: 20:00

Martin Kuentz & Martin Howse (tabletop micro-material-theatre ) /// Jo Frgmnt Grys (experiments + science/fiction + body/control) /// Ryan Jordan (dark hypnosis + psychoactive hyperventilation)

03 / 30
03 / 31
04 / 1
04 / 2
04 / 3
Start: 20:30

Das Percussion-Quintett "Glück" präsentiert nach einer dreitätigen Probenphase im ausland neue Kompositionen. "Glück" sind: Burkhard Beins, Enrico Malatesta, Michael Vorfeld, Christian Wolfahrt, Ingar Zach.

doors 20:30h, start 21:00h.

04 / 4
Start: 20:00

Record release show - Islaja präsentiert live ihre neue Platte "S U U" (Monika Enterprise)! Dazu hat sie sich schöne Gäste eingeladen: Die kölnische Kaffeemaschinen- und Loopkünstlerin Entertainment For The Braindead, und als DJs Labelboss Gudrun Gut und Produzentin Heidi Mortenson.

Doors 20:00 - Start 21:00 | AK 10 € | VVK 9 € (koka36)

04 / 5
04 / 6
Start: 20:00

Billy Roisz

Bass & TV Dining

an audio-visual performance with TVs, e-bass & various electronic devices


Is Johan Arrias (saxofone and clarinet), Axel Dörner (trumpet), Kai Fagaschnski(clarinet) and Tisha Mukarji(piano) thrown into a basket over a large pot of boiling water.
Cover the ingredients and let the steam do the rest.

It's a simmering music freshly prepared in front of the audience.
To be consumed by preference immediately.
Followed by a chilled and sweet silence.

doors 20:00 - concert 21:00

04 / 7
04 / 8
Start: 20:30


Martin Brandlmayr: drums, electronics, editing and arrangements
John Norman: bass
Martin Siewert: guitar, lapsteel, electronics

04 / 9
04 / 10
Start: 20:00

Contagious Orgasm

Contagious Orgasm are active since 1987 in many intersecting and diverse areas of experimental electronic music, including noise, industrial, rhythmic noise and ambient.

Joke Lanz / Suden Infant

Joke Lanz is one of the most prolific and profound artists working in the border zones where performance and body art meet Improvisation and Noise.

pharoah chromium

"meta-music for meta-people in a meta-world"

Pharoah Chromium wears a golden Mask and his live per­for­mance can be con­sid­ered a bizarre space rit­ual in which he plays an assorted choice of flutes and electronica…

door: 20:00 concert: 20:30

04 / 11
Start: 20:30

The Instrument in collaboration with Maya Weinberg ;  Doors:  20.30h / Start: 21.00h

a work in progress

Direction, choreography & dance: Maya Weinberg & Maya M. Carroll

Music: Roy Carroll

Light and visuals: Sarah Marguier

04 / 12
Start: 20:30

RED Trio
Rodrigo Pinheiro – piano
Hernani Faustino – double bass
Gabriel Ferrandini – drums

Fabric Trio – LP release concert: Murmurs
Frank Paul Schubert – soprano and alto saxophones
Mike Majkowski – double bass
Yorgos Dimitriadis – drums

04 / 13
Start: 20:00

Jonas Kocher plays solo compositions for accordeon by Antoine Chessex (premiere), Christian Kesten (premiere), Stefan Thut and Alvin Lucier

daRocha / Horn: Maria daRocha: viola, Maria Horn: live electronics

04 / 14
04 / 15
04 / 16
04 / 17
Start: 20:30

Bob Ostertag solo
Bob Ostertag & Jon Rose duo

Doors 20:30h, Start 21:00h.

04 / 18
04 / 19
Start: 20:00

AMIGO TROPICAL (Zeke Hayle – dr / P. Holzenklotz, General a.D. - bs), Noise-Rock nach Einfach, mit Schallplatte dabei, inkl. live-Taufe durch: Dén Pastor (Christian Mevs - git)

Weithin liebevoll unterstützt durch Free-Folk-Noise-Legenden Berger (git) und Schneider (dr), aka JEALOUSY MOUNTAIN DUO.


04 / 20
Start: 20:00

Lilli Kuschel – Architekturfotos / Video
Lilli Kuschel ist als Filmemacherin ihre eigene Kamerafrau. Ihre Bilder städtischer Ensembles, Verkehrsanlagen und kommunikativer Akte sprechen eine eigenwillig genaue Sprache. Die existierende Wirklichkeit nimmt in ihren Bildern überraschende Formen an, ohne dass an ihr gerührt werden müßte. Das Entrückte und Verrückte der Normalität wird aus der Komposition der Dinge auf der Bildfläche heraus sichtbar. Kaum ein Wort wird gesagt, aber der gestaltende Blick hat begriffen. In Sonnenallee fährt die Kamera eine Straße in Berlin-Neukölln ab, den Blick gerichtet auf die Fassaden, Läden und Schaufenster, und so langsam, daß man die vielen Beschriftungen lesen kann.

04 / 21
04 / 22
04 / 23
Start: 20:00

Archive night on the occasion of Elektronmusikstudion Stockholm's (EMS) 50th anniversary - opening night of "Alter Schwede!"2-festival! Writer and musician Pär Thörn and EMS-director Mats Lindström will talk about EMS' history since 1964 and play selected recordings from the EMS archive, with focus on historic text/sound-compositions.

Geöffnet ab 20:00 Uhr, Beginn um 20:30 Uhr | Eintritt frei | Admission free

04 / 24
04 / 25
Start: 20:00

"Alter Schwede!" 2-Festival / Erster Abend:   
Vinyl Terror and Horror: EMS Special

Martin Högström & Mario De Vega

Leif Elggren: "Fear and Food (Don't eat too much)"

Doors 20:00, Start 21:00 | Eintrittspreis: 8 € / 6 € (ermäßigt) Festivalpass: 18 €

04 / 26
Start: 20:00

"Alter Schwede!"2  - Festival für Dichtung – Musik – Performance
Zweiter Abend
Linn Hansén & Liz Allbee

Imri Sandström: "(S)TONE TOLD"

Dror Feiler & Jassem Hindi

Hanno Leichtmann

04 / 27
Start: 19:00

"Alter Schwede!" 2 - Festival für Dichtung – Musik – Performance
-Dritter Abend-

Erik Bünger: "The girl who never was"

Athena Farrokhzad & Christian Kesten

Daniel M. Karlsson & Andrea Neumann

Geöffnet ab 19:00 Uhr, Beginn um 20 Uhr.

04 / 28
04 / 29
04 / 30
05 / 1
Start: 19:00

Ali Matthews (The Bitchuationist): SERVUS! is a one-to-one performance experience for cash, in which the audience member is invited into a bespoke shoe-shine combined with an iPod-induced auditory hallucination. Come and see your euro buy a bit of [customer] relational aesthetics.

05 / 2
Start: 20:30
End: 23:59

Andre Vida - video/electronics // Andrea Ermke - mini-discs and mixing board // Hi Fi-Lo Noise (Pierce Warnecke - electronics, Louis Laurain - trumpet)

05 / 3
Start: 20:30

For 50 minutes, images, noises, sounds, body, movements will collide in an undefined process, an experience structured by the timelessness. 

Stéphane Rives (soundscape)  |  Philippe Rives (performance)

doors: 20.30h | start:  21.00h
05 / 4
05 / 5
05 / 6
05 / 7
Start: 20:00

ByteFM, das klienicum und amSTARt präsentieren:
on tour with her new album "Boneset" (Important Records, 03/2014)

support: ANGY LORD
(drummer of Jolly Goods), who plays dark morbid songs on piano and organ

Doors 20:00 - Start 21:00 | AK 10/11 € | VVK 10 € (via koka36 oder amSTARt) |


05 / 8
Start: 20:30

Colophony minus one, add one, plus four equals

Jon Rose – violins, Meinrad Kneer – double bass, Axel Doerner – trumpet, Steve Heather – drums, percussion, Richard Scott – electronics, Magda Mayas – piano

05 / 9
Start: 20:00
End: 21:50

ausland – seines Zeichen unabhängiger Spielort mit Fokus auf experimentelle, non-mainstream, angeblich anspruchsvolle Kunst und Musik widmet dem Smooth Jazz im Rahmen des Festivals Doofe Musik im Haus der Kulturen der Welt einen ausladenden Konzertabend.

Start: 20:30


"Kind and Scary."
"Phenomenal live." 
"Speaking in tongues on top of complex musical phrases, the inspiring frontman of Dufus makes music like nobody else.  Often impenetrable and uniquely original, his rightful place is beside Captain Beefheart and Zappa."
Adam Green, the Moldy Peaches


... finest full blast free form post-jazz trio from the Ruhrgebiet!

Doors 20:30 - Start 21:30


05 / 10
Start: 20:30
End: 23:59

Trigger Plus Vol. 1

1: Trigger
2: Thomas Lehn solo
3: Trigger + Thomas Lehn

Im Rahmen der Reihe Trigger Plus
Der erste Gast ist der deutsche Soundtüftler Thomas Lehn, der mit seinem Instrument, dem analogen Synthesizer direkt in die unterschiedlichsten Klangebenen Triggers eingreifen wird, und ein wild kaskadierendes elektroakustisches Klangkonstrukt entstehen lassen wird.

Nils Ostendorf: Trompete
Matthias Müller: Posaune
Chris Heenan : Kontrabassklarinette

05 / 11
Start: 20:30
End: 23:59

Aymeric Hainaux /// visual artist, musician and extraordinary vocal performer.

Cantenac Dagar /// Instrumental duet from France (banjo, cassette player, bells, human beatbox).

05 / 12
05 / 13
05 / 14
05 / 15
Start: 20:00

Ein Abend mit Lyriklesungen von Ricardo Domeneck, Birgit Kreipe und Rainer Stolz - letzterer stellt heute Abend seinen jüngst erschienen Gedichtband "Selbstporträt mit Chefkalender" vor.

Geöffnet ab 20 Uhr, Beginn 21 Uhr.

05 / 16
Start: 20:30
End: 23:59


05 / 17
Start: 20:30

eRIkm – electronics
Natacha Muslera – vocals, microphones

Marta Zapparoli – electronics, prepared tapes & self made devices
Julie Rousse – laptop, electronics, microphones


05 / 18
Start: 20:30

Die Klasse Medienkunst von Prof. Maria Vedder, Universität der Künste Berlin, hat zur Erforschung von filmischer und räumlicher Zeit immer wieder mit KünstlerInnen aus anderen zeitbasierten Medien wie Theater, Performance, Musik oder Tanz zusammengearbeitet.

Das Screening zeigt mit neuen Arbeiten aus diesen interdisziplinären Projekten Musikfilme, des weiteren Dokumentationen und Videokunst.

Doors 20:30 - Start 21:00

Start: 21:00

Flüchtige Momente der schönen Musik - gefangen!

05 / 19
Start: 00:00
Start: 19 May 2014 - 00:00
End: 28 May 2014 - 20:30

For the 4th year in a row, the french structure Trempolino organises a workshop on electronic musics.
10 French musicians, gathered together by musician Mathias Delplanque, spend 10 days meeting with figures such as Bernd Friedman, Marc Behrens, Nick Meehan and Robert Lippok.

05 / 20
(all day)
Start: 19 May 2014 - 00:00
End: 28 May 2014 - 20:30

For the 4th year in a row, the french structure Trempolino organises a workshop on electronic musics.
10 French musicians, gathered together by musician Mathias Delplanque, spend 10 days meeting with figures such as Bernd Friedman, Marc Behrens, Nick Meehan and Robert Lippok.

05 / 21
(all day)
Start: 19 May 2014 - 00:00
End: 28 May 2014 - 20:30

For the 4th year in a row, the french structure Trempolino organises a workshop on electronic musics.
10 French musicians, gathered together by musician Mathias Delplanque, spend 10 days meeting with figures such as Bernd Friedman, Marc Behrens, Nick Meehan and Robert Lippok.

05 / 22
(all day)
Start: 19 May 2014 - 00:00
End: 28 May 2014 - 20:30

For the 4th year in a row, the french structure Trempolino organises a workshop on electronic musics.
10 French musicians, gathered together by musician Mathias Delplanque, spend 10 days meeting with figures such as Bernd Friedman, Marc Behrens, Nick Meehan and Robert Lippok.

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